A Connection Catalyst Experience

Spark Your


In 60 Days

Next experience starts in Spring 2025

Does this Sound Like You?

You know you have the spark of creativity within you, but the constant hustle leaves ​you feeling burnt out and disconnected. You crave a deeper connection to yourself ​and your ideas, and long to slow down but struggle to make the space for it.

let me help

The Spark Your Magic experience is a two-month program designed

to provide you with the tools and guidance you need to find your path to a

more present and connected life, ultimately sparking your magic once again.

The experience is intimate, with only four spaces available,

ensuring deep dives and big shifts for each participant.

Imagine 60 days ​from starting...

Tapped back into your flow state ​and ideas flow effortlessly

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Hustle mentality shed and replaced ​with a sense of calm focus

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Reignited your creative fire and

found direction

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Reconnected with yourself,

hearing your inner wisdom

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Using new tools/techniques

to unplug and recharge

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Hi! I´m Chris!

I guide humans to finding their path to presence so ​they can lead a more present and connected life.

I’ve been burnt out, stuck for inspiration, looking ​everywhere but within.

Eventually, I realized that the only way out was by ​getting quiet, getting present and listening to my ​own inner wisdom.

Now I guide people on how to slow down,

unplug and build their own presence practice

so they too can look within.

Why? So they can spark creativity, find clarity and ​flow and deepen connections with themselves

Ready to Learn More?


How did I get here?


I learned the hard way

I wasn't always the person I am today. Years of ​pushing myself in a fast-paced world led me to ​the brink of burnout. It was a wake-up call, and ​the path to rediscovering myself began in the ​most unexpected place: nature.

Connecting with the natural world fostered a ​deep sense of presence and connection that ​transformed my life.

And this practice and deep connection with ​nature helped me to navigate one of the ​toughest times in my life - cancer.

It provided me with comfort and joy;

wonder and delight and gave me a

safe space to let go and just be me.

And now?

Now, I'm passionate about helping others find their ​own way to unplug and slow down.

To learn how to live a more present and connected ​life so they can spark their own creativity, find clarity ​and flow and deepen connections with themselves ​and the world around them.

Building a practice that works for you

While I’ve learned a lot over the years, the most ​important thing I’ve learned is that you need to build ​a practice that works for you.

I’ll share my tips and insights but ultimately, this ​journey is about guiding you to find your own unique ​presence path.

Does this sound familiar?

You crave a sense of calm and ​connection, but feel trapped in the ​"hustle" cycle.

Our fast-paced, tech-driven world ​can leave us feeling overwhelmed, ​scattered, and yearning for a ​deeper connection with ourselves ​and the world around us.

You are stuck in a creative rut, ​yearning for inspiration but unsure ​where to turn.

The constant pressure to perform can ​stifle your creativity, leaving you ​feeling uninspired and unsure of your ​next step.

You are running on empty and your ​to-do list never-ending.

Feeling burnt out isn't uncommon in ​today's world.

Constant work demands can leave ​you feeling depleted and ​disconnected. You yearn for a way to ​recharge and rediscover your spark.

Just imagine...

I can barely recognize the person I used to be. Gone is ​the constant tension in my shoulders, replaced by a ​newfound ease. The urge to check my phone every ​five minutes has faded, replaced by a deep sense of ​being present in the moment. I wake up feeling ​refreshed, with a newfound appreciation for the quiet ​moments.

The ideas that once felt elusive are now bubbling up ​effortlessly. Quieting the external noise has allowed ​my inner voice to finally be heard. With newfound ​clarity, I see connections I never noticed before, and ​inspiration strikes in unexpected places.

What you will learn

How to unplug and unwind

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Build YOUR presence practice

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To find your flow

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Ways to spark creativity

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Deeply connect with yourself

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How to connect with nature

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What will you experience over 60 days?

Fi​rst Two Weeks

Identifying your COre intention and Goals

We spend the first two weeks meeting as a group via Zoom to ideate ​on our intention and goals for the next 90 days. You’ll be asked to dig ​deep and work together to identify what you want to be doing ​differently by the end of our time together.

At​ Immersive Retreat

Spend time unplugged and focused on YOU

We will spend three days and nights unplugged from ALL the things. ​You’ll work with me one-on-one as well as with the group to learn ​how to be more present, unwind and rest so you can spark your ​creativity, find your focus and flow!

You can expect nature walks, journaling time, creative visualization ​and other playful practices to explore different presence techniques.




After the Retreat



Building Your Presence practice

The next six weeks will be focused on building a regular practice of ​unplugging and unwinding to allow you to tap into your flow, spark your ​creativity and find calm and connection. You’ll experiment with techniques ​you learned at the retreat to find a practice that works for YOU.

You’ll meet with me one-on-one and we will meet as a group via Zoom to ​share what we are practicing, ideas and insights.

Sneak Peek At Our Time Together

  • Weeks One and Two: Weekly Zoom calls to set intentions and focus for program
  • Week Three: Immersive retreat from Sunday afternoon through Wednesday lunch
  • Weeks Four through Eight: Group Zoom calls and individual coaching calls alternate weeks
    • Weeks Four, Six, Eight: Group calls
    • Weeks Five, Seven: Individual coaching calls with Chris

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I would never have predicted how Chris could transform my approach to work—but she did! The ​clarity I found led to a daily focus on bringing nature into my workflow, and my focus and ​productivity are stronger than ever.

Chris brings an incredible mix of patience, innovation, and peace to her practice, and joining her ​for a walk or conversation will help you ignite your inner fire, too!

Stephanie Hubka

Founder, Protos Learning


Frequently asked

Where is the immersive retreat?

We will be spending our three days and nights ​together at a small luxury resort nestled in nature.

Can I attend just the immersive?

No. The entire experience is about giving you an ​opportunity to attend the immersive and then ​integrating what you learned. The time after the ​immersive are spent experimenting to find a ​practice that works for you.

for you?

IS THIS Experience

It is if you are:

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You’re willing to unplug and disconnect ​from technology.

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You’re open to experimenting and trying ​new things.

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You’re committed to dedicated time

for self-reflection.

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You’re looking for tools and guidance to ​live a more present and connected life.

Tell me more about the immersive retreat!

The Location

I went on my first solo retreat about 10 years ago to deal with burnout. I ​left feeling calmer and more connected to myself and nature.

I went to a small lodge surrounded by woods and a lake. I select retreat ​locations that are small and nestled in nature. There are always plenty of ​places to sit and journal, both inside and out, trails for walking and places ​to sit outside and take in nature

The Food

You will be nourished at every meal. Each location I select is ​committed to healthy and delicious food. Many focus on locally grown ​food.




The amenities

In each of my retreat locations, you’ll have your own room that is ​luxurious and quiet. You’ll have access to a variety of amentities such as ​saunas, group classes like yoga or meditation, hot tubs and pools.

And yes, you’ll have time to enjoy these amenities since our goal is to ​help you to learn how to unplug and recharge!




Schedule a call so we can chat more about what you are looking to shift and how this ​experience might be able to help. If interested, you can get on the waiting list.

But don’t wait too long! Registration for this experience will begin before the end of 2024 and ​with only four spots available, it can fill up fast. Those on the waiting list get first dibs on spots!



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Photo credits: Mary Gardella and Chris Coladonato